Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Cheer or Christmas Fear?

Christmas isn't for everyone.  

For some it's a wonderful time - an opportunity to take time off, spend it with family, friends and loved ones.  

For others it's quite a stressful time - work gets too quiet, or too busy.  How do I fit it all in before the holidays?  What presents to buy for whom.  Can I get hold of that Nintendo Wii 360 palm top thing for my son - will he resent me for the rest of my life if I don't manage to get it! 

Whether you love Christmas or take the 'Bah Humbug' approach, it is a time of raised stress levels. 

So, how can we keep on top of things, keep down the stress levels and enjoy the festivities?

Keep it simple, wherever possible.  Three key areas are worth considering:

Planning:  Take some time out to think about what you actually want from your Christmas break.  Who do you really want to spend it with?  Work out your financial budget for the period.  If money is a worry, be realistic - don't over-stretch otherwise you are storing up stress for next year (and it will prey on your mind over time anyway).  Don't try to cram in too much - visiting, drinking, gift wrapping, whatever.  Think about where (or who) your stress hot spots are and plan how to avoid them or reduce your exposure to them.  If it's the usual 'obligatory visit' - can you do it by phone this year?  Can you limit the time, make your reasons for keeping it short ahead of time and tell them in advance so they are prepared.  

Handling it: You need to remember that, although it's meant to be a restful time, Christmas often isn't.  Re-charge your batteries with proper rest.  Quality sleep (not drink soaked sleep by the way), can work wonders in improving your energy levels and your ability to cope with stress.  Exercise may not be top of the agenda, but try to maintain or reduce your activity rather than give it up completely.  Build in some 'time-outs'  just for you. 

Do it:  Go on... enjoy it!  Once you've planned and prepared for it, trust your plans and just relax.  if you find you have forgotten to do or buy something - take a 'so what' view.  Is it the end of the world?  Probably not.  You forgot someone on your Christmas card list?  Make up for it with a letter or thank you note afterwards.  Don't beat yourself up about it.  No doubt you've worked hard all year, so now... Chill! 

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